
Exploring natural history one itsy bitsy spider at a time...

Exploring natural history one itsy bitsy spider at a time...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Falcon Cam

Check out the falcon cam,! Watch the peregrine falcons sitting on their five eggs! They sit 14 stories high on the Rachel Carson Building in the middle of Harrisburg. Peregrine falcons are currently endangered in PA. The Department of Environmental Protection among other agencies have been working to bring their numbers back. There are currently around 20 active nest sites in PA we know of! Most of them located on bridges or buildings.

Peregrine Falcons primarily eat birds, making easy meals of pigeons and starlings in cities. They are excellent hunters speeding up to 200mph to catch their prey.

Keep an eye on the falcon cam for the hatching chicks (eyasses)!

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